Our idea was to attach the aspect of human tenderness to the cancer treatment at Welcare hospital. The tenderest care comes from mother. Hence, we first coined a headline: CheMOTHERapy, in which the word Mother is inherent. The typography of the headline was designed to give projection to the word Mother, while the subhead and the body copy explained the treatment.

For your little one’s happiness, you just need to pay a little!
The ‘affordability-factor’ of child-care, especially gynecology and neonatology, was what the client demanded from us when we were asked to develop a creative for Welcare Hospital. We knew it was a delicate task to communicate about affordability when speaking about child-care. We had to say it cleverly, smoothly and subtly. Thus, we coined the caption which communicated the idea in a cute way: ‘For your little one’s happiness, you just need to pay a little’.